Diet, Healthcare, What to Feed Your Guinea Pig Abby bridges Diet, Healthcare, What to Feed Your Guinea Pig Abby bridges

How Long Does it Take to Wean a Guinea Pig Pup?

It’s pretty easy to tell if a guinea pig has been fully weaned from their mother. A nursing piggy will tend to stick quite close by to their mothers for safety, comfort and to feed whenever hungry. However, guinea pigs are born almost completely physically independent from their mother besides their need for milk, so once weaned, it’s pretty common to see young piggies venture away from their mothers and interact with them a lot less.

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Housing, Diet, Behaviour, Getting started, Healthcare Abby bridges Housing, Diet, Behaviour, Getting started, Healthcare Abby bridges

How to Look After Guinea Pig Babies

Thankfully, baby guinea pigs don’t have any specific needs or requirements that you must see to. They are almost fully independent from their first day in the big wide world! Their only requirement is that they must be kept close to their mother as they will need to nurse from her. Guinea pig milk is full of healthy fats, vitamins, and antibodies to help the babies grow big and strong.

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Healthcare, Diet, Guinea Pig Pee & poop Abby bridges Healthcare, Diet, Guinea Pig Pee & poop Abby bridges

How to Diagnose Bladder Stones in Guinea Pigs

Bladder stones are a common condition in guinea pigs and are found to be quite painful in most cases. Bladder stones are small masses of minerals that the body wasn’t unable to absorb which led them to crystallising in the urinary tract. They can be found in any part of the urinary tract, starting at the kidneys and all the way down to the urethra. 

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Housing, Healthcare, Cages, Fleeces, Hideouts, Bedding Abby bridges Housing, Healthcare, Cages, Fleeces, Hideouts, Bedding Abby bridges

Can My Guinea Pig Be Allergic to Sawdust?

Traditionally, sawdust was the go-to bedding for guinea pigs until owners and researchers noticed that guinea pigs were frequently developing respiratory conditions. It was quickly discovered the source of this was the sawdust, as it was extremely fine and far too easy for a piggy to inhale. Their bodies aren’t able to effectively filter out the dust, so it remains inside and can lead to discomfort and infections.

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Healthcare, Diet, Fruits Abby bridges Healthcare, Diet, Fruits Abby bridges

What Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat?

Fruits are a great treat for your guinea pig. They are packed full of nutrients and vitamins that are super beneficial for your guinea pig to maintain their ideal health. If you’re interested in giving your guinea pig fruits, it’s important to know which ones are safe and ones to avoid.

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Healthcare, Diet, Housing, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Healthcare, Diet, Housing, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

How to Tell if My Guinea Pig is Sick

No guinea pig owner likes the idea of their precious guinea pigs falling ill, but sadly it is something that is bound to happen at some point in time. In the meantime, it’s always a great idea to learn about the common signs and symptoms of sickness, so you know exactly what to look for if you suspect your guinea pig is getting sick.

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Healthcare, Housing, Behaviour, Getting started Abby bridges Healthcare, Housing, Behaviour, Getting started Abby bridges

5 Must-Know Facts About Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are extremely interesting animals, with a plethora of wonderful traits and quirks. Most people have a basic knowledge of guinea pigs, but there is so much more to them that we would love to share. They are an animal that has evolved and survived for millions of years, and throughout that time have developed some amazing features. So, let us share with you 5 must-know facts about guinea pigs.

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Healthcare, Behaviour, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Healthcare, Behaviour, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

Guinea Pig Gestation Period

Guinea pigs are quite good at hiding their pregnancies, and in many cases owners may never know they’re pregnant until they’re in active labour, or even just a few days before. However, this is not the ideal situation. If you have a female who is in a position where she may become pregnant, then you should be on the constant look out for signs of pregnancy.

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Housing, Healthcare Abby bridges Housing, Healthcare Abby bridges

How Long Do Guinea Pigs Live?

Helping your piggies live a long and fulfilling life is certainly any owner’s biggest goal. The main way of ensuring your guinea pigs live to their old guinea pig age is maintaining their health. Keeping their environment sanitary through daily cleaning, keeping their diet balanced with veggies, pellets and hay and providing them with plenty of toys, tunnels and hutches.

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Healthcare, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Healthcare, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

Common Guinea Pig Health Issues

Just like every animal, guinea pigs are prone to certain health issues. As a piggy parent, it’s crucial to have an understanding of the guinea pig health problems that your piggies may be at risk of, the typical symptoms they present and ways they can be prevented.

Scurvy is a condition that develops due to prolonged vitamin C deficiency, and can be fatal if left untreated. Guinea pigs are one of the few animals that aren’t able to produce their own vitamin C, so require outside sources of it. Common symptoms of Scurvy include swollen feet, loss of appetite, a rough coat and diarrhoea.

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Behaviour, Healthcare, Housing, Diet Joy Mellows Behaviour, Healthcare, Housing, Diet Joy Mellows

All You Need to Know About Your First Guinea Pig

We can’t do much about genetics, but as a guinea pig parent, you should be aware of everything you can do to keep your cavy healthy for as long as possible. For example, they need a very healthy diet, little to no sugar and the opportunity to exercise. Much like us, if these factors are combined, they have a great chance of living a full and long life.

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My Guinea Pig is Losing Weight but Still Eating

For a guinea pig that needs to gain weight, it may be best to temporarily change their hay type. Grass hays are recommended due to their low calcium, low fibre and low protein contents. However, switching to a hay that's higher in these nutrients, like alfalfa or oat hay, may provide immediate results.

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Healthcare, Housing, Caring for Guinea Pigs Joy Mellows Healthcare, Housing, Caring for Guinea Pigs Joy Mellows

Is My Guinea Pig Pregnant?

Guinea pigs can become sexually mature at a very early age. Some can only be 5-6 weeks old when they get pregnant. Male guinea pigs as young as 3 weeks are able to impregnate a female so if you have both female and male cavies, or your female has been in contact with a healthy male – be careful, as you could become a cavy grandparent a lot sooner than you thought.

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Healthcare, Cost Victoria Lyons Healthcare, Cost Victoria Lyons

Do I Need to Get Insurance for My Guinea Pig?

Guinea pig insurance is a type of pet insurance that provides coverage for veterinary expenses related to your guinea pig's health. This can include routine check-ups, vaccinations, and treatments for illnesses or injuries. The cost of insurance varies depending on the coverage you choose, but it typically ranges from £10 to £25 per month.

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