Is My Guinea Pig Pregnant?

Much like some mums-to-be, it can be hard to tell if a guinea pig is pregnant. Especially in the early stages. But unlike their human pals, you won’t run the risk of offending a guinea pig if you ask them how far along they are and it turns out they’re not!

Is my guinea pig pregnant

So, is My Guinea Pig Pregnant or Fat?

It is important to discover a guinea pig pregnancy as early as possible to make sure she gets the right care at every stage. Don’t just assume she is getting fat. And as we can’t yet convince a guinea pig to pee on a stick (sadly), we need to rely on other ways to find out if she is pregnant, including –

Is she eating and drinking more? – Not surprisingly, if a female cavy starts eating and drinking a lot more than usual, she could likely be pregnant. They don’t just eat for two, like their human counterparts. As guinea pigs can have up to 4 babies each time they’re pregnant, your cavy could be eating for 5!

Is she favouring fruits and vegetables? – If your cavy seems to prefer certain fruit and veg (cucumber, tomatoes, bell peppers), it could be that she is craving Vitamin C due to pregnancy.

Has she gained weight? –  The average length of pregnancy for a guinea pig is 65 days. So, it doesn’t take very long for her to start putting weight on and having a visibly larger tummy. The babies can be felt 2-4 weeks into pregnancy, so it can be pretty obvious when your cavy has a few buns in the oven.

Can you feel changes inside her body? – A guinea pig communicates with squeaks and gestures to show you how they are feeling. If you get to know your cavy really well, you will learn to read their behaviour and notice the changes. Touching your guinea pigs’ belly and searching for small lumps and bumps can also help you discover if they are carrying babies.

Has she been in contact with an intact male? – When your cavy has mated with an intact male, he will spray her with his urine to deter other males from going near her. So, if you suspect that your guinea pig is pregnant, check if she smells different.

pregnant guinea pig

How Soon Can Guinea Pigs Get Pregnant?

Guinea pigs can become sexually mature at a very early age. Some can only be 5-6 weeks old when they get pregnant. Male guinea pigs as young as 3 weeks are able to impregnate a female so if you have both female and male cavies, or your female has been in contact with a healthy male – be careful, as you could become a cavy grandparent a lot sooner than you thought.

Also, be aware that female guinea pigs can get pregnant right after giving birth. This is because they go into heat right after babies are born.  So any males must be separated from your female cavy as soon as possible. And as a male as young as 3 weeks old could impregnate their mum, they will need to be removed from the cage as well.

How Do I Know My Guinea Pig is About to Give Birth?

Guinea pig birthing isn’t common knowledge for the average person. If your guinea pig is pregnant for the first time, it is good to know a few things about the labour itself – as she may deliver when you are around.

Usually birth takes place during daylight and your guinea pig will cry out when labour begins. She may sit extremely still and make a clear hiccupping sound. Squatting down on all four legs, the first pup will appear within 5 minutes and an entire litter can be delivered within 20 minutes.

Unfortunately, stillbirth isn’t uncommon and it is something you should be prepared for. This is why it is important to know how many pups she is pregnant with, to make sure all the babies are accounted for. Once her pups are born, she will eat the amniotic sack and placenta. Guinea pig babies are born with open eyes and fur and will start eating solid food within a few hours.

Tips for Pregnancy in Guinea Pigs

baby guinea pigs


  • Feed them grass and/or grass hay, leafy greens, citrus or kiwi for vitamin C-rich foods and high-quality, commercial pellets.

  • Talk to your vet about the birth as guinea pig pregnancies can be dangerous. Be prepared for the need for a caesarean section.

  • Make sure you know how many guinea pig babies are in the womb so you can be sure they have all been delivered.

  • As much as you may want to cuddle your furry pal, be mindful that a pregnant cavy will want less physical contact and respect their personal space.

Joy Mellows

Joy Mellows is a professional content writer who loves nothing better than researching random topics and letting the words flow. She loves to proofread and can often be found correcting text messages. She is married with a 4-year-old son, a labrador and 2 very spoilt kittens.


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