Do Guinea Pigs Make Good Pets?

If you’re interested in bringing a new animal home, then guinea pigs are certainly a great choice. They make wonderful pets for almost every type of family! They are incredibly playful, and love to run around and spend as much time in your presence as possible. Guinea pigs are full of character and are guaranteed to brighten every single day.

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A Beginner's Guide to Guinea Pigs

Before bringing any animal into your home, it’s always a good idea to learn about the species typical behaviours and personalities. Guinea pigs are incredibly friendly animals, who greatly enjoy playing with each other and their human friends. They are extremely talkative animals and are always ready to have a conversation, and you will definitely hear them squeaking away any time you approach.

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Are Guinea Pigs Hard to Take Care Of?

As far as domestic animals go, guinea pigs are one of the easier pets to take care of. Their welfare needs are rather minimal in comparison to other common pets. When it comes to the daily husbandry tasks for guinea pigs, there isn’t much to do at all. In many ways, guinea pigs are quite independent and can go about their day with little interaction from you or other people.

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Hideouts, Toys, Caring for Guinea Pigs, Accessories Abby bridges Hideouts, Toys, Caring for Guinea Pigs, Accessories Abby bridges

Best Halloween Costumes for Guinea Pigs

Halloween is an exciting holiday for all, and getting our furry friends involved is always a blast. Although, there is some debate about whether piggies should be wearing costumes, some people love the idea, while others are quite hesitant. Both opinions are perfectly valid, and any choices should be made by putting the welfare of your animal first. 

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Best Ways to Celebrate Halloween with Your Guinea Pig

We are rapidly approaching the end of the year, and as we creep closer to October, Halloween feels just around the corner. Halloween is a great time for people to dress up, decorate their house with some spooky decorations and take the little ones trick-o-treating. However, who’s to say Halloween is just for humans? Guinea pigs certainly are an animal that can enjoy the holiday too! There are many great ways to include your furry friends in the spooky spirit.

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How Soon Can I Hold a Newborn Guinea Pig?

There is a common belief that you can’t touch a baby animal, whether that be a rodent or a bird, because it may cause the mother to reject the young. However, for most species, this is a complete myth! You are perfectly fine to handle a newborn guinea pig soon after birth, and this won’t cause the mother to reject the baby at all.

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Healthcare, Diet, Housing, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Healthcare, Diet, Housing, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

How to Tell if My Guinea Pig is Sick

No guinea pig owner likes the idea of their precious guinea pigs falling ill, but sadly it is something that is bound to happen at some point in time. In the meantime, it’s always a great idea to learn about the common signs and symptoms of sickness, so you know exactly what to look for if you suspect your guinea pig is getting sick.

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Healthcare, Behaviour, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Healthcare, Behaviour, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

Guinea Pig Gestation Period

Guinea pigs are quite good at hiding their pregnancies, and in many cases owners may never know they’re pregnant until they’re in active labour, or even just a few days before. However, this is not the ideal situation. If you have a female who is in a position where she may become pregnant, then you should be on the constant look out for signs of pregnancy.

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Housing, Cleaning, Cages, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Housing, Cleaning, Cages, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

What Cleaning Products to Use in a Guinea Pig Cage

Chemical cleaners are highly effective at ensuring your guinea pig’s cage is clean, but these can be difficult to use due to their strong scents and potential for irritating the skin. Luckily, there are some natural alternatives that can get the job done too.

The most popular natural pet cleaning products contain distilled white vinegar. Creating a 1:1 ratio of white vinegar to water is super effective at removing bacteria and keeping surfaces nice and clean. Following on from the vinegar, you’ll want to make sure you go over with warm water and a dry cloth to remove any lingering smells.

Another option is simply using a mild unscented soap and water. Liquid soaps are made to remove bacteria and other pathogens and when used with water and dried correctly, it’s perfectly safe for your piggies.

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Common Guinea Pig Health Issues

Just like every animal, guinea pigs are prone to certain health issues. As a piggy parent, it’s crucial to have an understanding of the guinea pig health problems that your piggies may be at risk of, the typical symptoms they present and ways they can be prevented.

Scurvy is a condition that develops due to prolonged vitamin C deficiency, and can be fatal if left untreated. Guinea pigs are one of the few animals that aren’t able to produce their own vitamin C, so require outside sources of it. Common symptoms of Scurvy include swollen feet, loss of appetite, a rough coat and diarrhoea.

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My Guinea Pig is Losing Weight but Still Eating

For a guinea pig that needs to gain weight, it may be best to temporarily change their hay type. Grass hays are recommended due to their low calcium, low fibre and low protein contents. However, switching to a hay that's higher in these nutrients, like alfalfa or oat hay, may provide immediate results.

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Caring for Guinea Pigs, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Caring for Guinea Pigs, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

How to Hold a Guinea Pig

Getting your piggies familiar with being held will be highly beneficial throughout their lives. Many instances could require you to pick them up and carry them, and ensuring they are happy and comfortable with it will make both of your lives easier.

While guinea pigs mainly handle their grooming, there will be times when you need to trim their nails and bath them. These situations alone can be stressful for a piggy, so removing the fear factor of being held will make it a little less worrisome.

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Drink & Hydration, Diet, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Drink & Hydration, Diet, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

Can a Guinea Pig Have Cow's Milk?

Overall, milk from non-guinea pig animals is unsafe for your piggy. Cow’s milk in particular is the most unsafe. Guinea pigs are not able to process or digest lactose, and consuming lactose can make them feel very ill. Cow’s milk doesn’t contain any vitamin C, which is a crucial component in a guinea pig’s diet as they aren’t able to produce it themselves.

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Healthcare, Housing, Caring for Guinea Pigs Joy Mellows Healthcare, Housing, Caring for Guinea Pigs Joy Mellows

Is My Guinea Pig Pregnant?

Guinea pigs can become sexually mature at a very early age. Some can only be 5-6 weeks old when they get pregnant. Male guinea pigs as young as 3 weeks are able to impregnate a female so if you have both female and male cavies, or your female has been in contact with a healthy male – be careful, as you could become a cavy grandparent a lot sooner than you thought.

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Behaviour, Caring for Guinea Pigs, Liners, Fleeces Abby bridges Behaviour, Caring for Guinea Pigs, Liners, Fleeces Abby bridges

Can You Potty Train a Guinea Pig?

Guinea pig litter training may be a great step to take with your guinea pigs, especially if they are indoor and free roaming. Having your guinea pigs learn specific areas to do their business can be beneficial to you both.

Litter training is a great way to keep your floors a little bit cleaner. If the majority of their waste is in designated areas, you won’t need to worry about constantly having to clean up after them. It will be much heathier for you, your guinea pigs and anyone else that lives in the house.

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Is It Cruel to Keep Guinea Pigs Outdoors?

It’s not cruel to keep your guinea pigs outside. Guinea pigs can live long and healthy lives outside if they are provided the right necessities and luxuries. Just as an indoor guinea pig, their quality of life falls on how well you can provide for them. With the right guinea pig outdoor cage, food and enrichment, they will be more than happy to spend their days outside.

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