Drink & Hydration, Diet, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Drink & Hydration, Diet, Caring for Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

Can a Guinea Pig Have Cow's Milk?

Overall, milk from non-guinea pig animals is unsafe for your piggy. Cow’s milk in particular is the most unsafe. Guinea pigs are not able to process or digest lactose, and consuming lactose can make them feel very ill. Cow’s milk doesn’t contain any vitamin C, which is a crucial component in a guinea pig’s diet as they aren’t able to produce it themselves.

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Healthcare, Drink & Hydration Abby bridges Healthcare, Drink & Hydration Abby bridges

What Are the Signs of Dehydration in Guinea Pigs?

There are many indicators that your guinea pig may be dehydrated. The signs are quite similar to those in humans when we get dehydrated. The easiest way to see is to have a look at their poop. Guinea pigs’ poop should be firm but moist, but in a dehydrated piggy, their poops will be much drier and harder. If you can’t tell just by looking, then you may need to stick on some gloves and have a quick feel to see if it’s dehydrated poop.

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