A Beginner's Guide to Guinea Pigs

Before bringing any animal into your home, it’s always a good idea to learn about the species typical behaviours and personalities. Guinea pigs are incredibly friendly animals, who greatly enjoy playing with each other and their human friends. They are extremely talkative animals and are always ready to have a conversation, and you will definitely hear them squeaking away any time you approach.

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Are Guinea Pigs Good Pets for Children?

Any type of animal is huge amount of responsibility, especially for a child. Guinea pigs are great animals and make wonderful companions. They may offer ample opportunities to teach children about responsibility and care.

It’s also crucial to consider the fact that children, especially younger children, aren’t capable enough to be in charge the guinea pig care. UK law states that no one under the age of 16 can be responsible for the care of an animal, their day-to-day husbandry will fall onto the parent or any adults in the home.

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