Do Guinea Pigs Make Good Pets?

If you’re interested in bringing a new animal home, then guinea pigs are certainly a great choice. They make wonderful pets for almost every type of family! They are incredibly playful, and love to run around and spend as much time in your presence as possible. Guinea pigs are full of character and are guaranteed to brighten every single day.

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A Beginner's Guide to Guinea Pigs

Before bringing any animal into your home, it’s always a good idea to learn about the species typical behaviours and personalities. Guinea pigs are incredibly friendly animals, who greatly enjoy playing with each other and their human friends. They are extremely talkative animals and are always ready to have a conversation, and you will definitely hear them squeaking away any time you approach.

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Are Guinea Pigs Hard to Take Care Of?

As far as domestic animals go, guinea pigs are one of the easier pets to take care of. Their welfare needs are rather minimal in comparison to other common pets. When it comes to the daily husbandry tasks for guinea pigs, there isn’t much to do at all. In many ways, guinea pigs are quite independent and can go about their day with little interaction from you or other people.

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How to Look After Guinea Pig Babies

Thankfully, baby guinea pigs don’t have any specific needs or requirements that you must see to. They are almost fully independent from their first day in the big wide world! Their only requirement is that they must be kept close to their mother as they will need to nurse from her. Guinea pig milk is full of healthy fats, vitamins, and antibodies to help the babies grow big and strong.

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Best Ways to Celebrate Halloween with Your Guinea Pig

We are rapidly approaching the end of the year, and as we creep closer to October, Halloween feels just around the corner. Halloween is a great time for people to dress up, decorate their house with some spooky decorations and take the little ones trick-o-treating. However, who’s to say Halloween is just for humans? Guinea pigs certainly are an animal that can enjoy the holiday too! There are many great ways to include your furry friends in the spooky spirit.

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What Makes a Better Pet - A Guinea Pig or a Hamster?

If you’re looking for a new animal, one of the main factors you should always consider is their ease of care. If you’re a busy individual who spends most of their days going out and about, getting an animal with high care needs certainly wouldn’t be the ideal option. Luckily for you, both hamsters and guinea pigs are fairly simplistic when it comes to their care.

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How Soon Can I Hold a Newborn Guinea Pig?

There is a common belief that you can’t touch a baby animal, whether that be a rodent or a bird, because it may cause the mother to reject the young. However, for most species, this is a complete myth! You are perfectly fine to handle a newborn guinea pig soon after birth, and this won’t cause the mother to reject the baby at all.

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5 Must-Know Facts About Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs are extremely interesting animals, with a plethora of wonderful traits and quirks. Most people have a basic knowledge of guinea pigs, but there is so much more to them that we would love to share. They are an animal that has evolved and survived for millions of years, and throughout that time have developed some amazing features. So, let us share with you 5 must-know facts about guinea pigs.

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Choosing My Guinea Pig

There are a wide variety of considerations that go into choosing the right guinea pig. Introducing an animal into your home is a huge commitment and responsibility, so it’s absolutely vital that you fully think about all the factors that can influence the guinea pig’s suitability to you. We all want to find the right animal for us, but it’s also important to make sure we are right for the animal.

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