Choosing My Guinea Pig

There are a wide variety of considerations that go into choosing the right guinea pig. Introducing an animal into your home is a huge commitment and responsibility, so it’s absolutely vital that you fully think about all the factors that can influence the guinea pig’s suitability to you. We all want to find the right animal for us, but it’s also important to make sure we are right for the animal.

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Behaviour, Diet, Housing, Cost, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges Behaviour, Diet, Housing, Cost, Keeping Guinea Pigs Abby bridges

5 Reasons Why Guinea Pigs are the Best Pets

Bringing a new animal into your home is a big decision to make, and one that should be given great thought and care. While most people will opt for the typical dog or cat, buying a guinea pig is often not given a second thought. This, I say, is their loss! Guinea pigs can make the perfect pets for a multitude of reasons.

Guinea pigs are medium sized rodents originating from South America and are sometimes referred to as ‘piggies’ or ‘cavies’. They have been popular household pets for centuries, and rightfully so. Guinea pigs have larger than life personalities and light up any room they find themselves in.

There are a limitless list of reasons why guinea pigs make the best pets, and each one will have you frantically searching for ‘guinea pigs near me’, but we have compiled a list of our top 5 reasons to share the love for these animals and show you why they should be the main choice when you’re looking for a new furry friend.

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Cost Abby bridges Cost Abby bridges

How Expensive Are Guinea Pigs?

Guinea pigs are not expensive animals to buy out-right. Regardless of where you go, whether it’s a private breeder, pet store or adoption from a shelter, they tend to be sold for around £40. Some breeders and pet shops may offer a discount on multiples to encourage people to buy a pair or group.

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Healthcare, Cost Victoria Lyons Healthcare, Cost Victoria Lyons

Do I Need to Get Insurance for My Guinea Pig?

Guinea pig insurance is a type of pet insurance that provides coverage for veterinary expenses related to your guinea pig's health. This can include routine check-ups, vaccinations, and treatments for illnesses or injuries. The cost of insurance varies depending on the coverage you choose, but it typically ranges from £10 to £25 per month.

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Are Guinea Pigs Good Pets for Children?

Any type of animal is huge amount of responsibility, especially for a child. Guinea pigs are great animals and make wonderful companions. They may offer ample opportunities to teach children about responsibility and care.

It’s also crucial to consider the fact that children, especially younger children, aren’t capable enough to be in charge the guinea pig care. UK law states that no one under the age of 16 can be responsible for the care of an animal, their day-to-day husbandry will fall onto the parent or any adults in the home.

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