5 Reasons Why Guinea Pigs are the Best Pets

Pet ownership

Happy Guinea Pigs Enjoying Breakfast

The Joys of Owning Guinea Pigs

Bringing a new animal into your home is a big decision to make, and one that should be given great thought and care. While most people will opt for the typical dog or cat, buying guinea pigs is often not given a second thought. This, I say, is their loss! Guinea pigs can make the perfect pets for a multitude of reasons.

Guinea pigs are medium-sized rodents originating from South America and are sometimes referred to as ‘piggies' or ‘cavies'. They have been popular household pets for centuries, and rightfully so. Guinea pigs have larger-than-life personalities and light up any room.

There are limitless reasons why guinea pigs make good pets, and each one will have you frantically searching for ‘guinea pigs near me', but we have compiled a list of our top 5 reasons to share the love for these animals and show you why they should be your first choice when you're looking for a new furry friend.

  1. Each One is Unique

Guinea pigs are great pets because they are unique - with their looks and personalities! Each individual piggy can bring their unique vibes to your home, and they will undoubtedly provide you with nothing but joy.

Guinea pigs also have some super adorable behaviours unique to them whenever they're happy or excited. Guinea pigs popcorn when they're happy. ‘Popcorning' is the behaviour presented by all piggies, but particularly the young ones, whenever they get excited or in a playful mood. They jump straight up in the air over and over again, squealing and kicking out their legs wildly. This can be quite unexpected if you're new to owning guinea pigs, but it does quickly become one of your favourite things they do.

Another guinea pig behaviour that is certainly endearing to experience is their noises. Guinea pigs can be noisy in all the best ways. Piggies often squeak and purr when they're feeling happy and content, and if you're lucky to have guinea pigs that enjoys being held, then you may even feel them purring in your lap or arms.

Guinea Pig Breeds

There are over 10 recognised breeds of guinea pigs, and each one looks completely different from the rest. While as a species, their temperaments won't differ widely, their distinctive aesthetics vary extremely. Before buying guinea pigs, you may want to research the types of guinea pigs UK to see if there's a particular breed that suits your aesthetics. 

guinea pig care

If you are prepared to dedicate a little bit of each day to grooming, then a Sheltie or Peruvian piggy may be up your street with their long flowing fur. Or if you’re looking for your personal teddy bear, then a Teddy guinea pig may be perfect for you. 

Here are some of the most popular breeds you will find in rescues, pet shops or with private breeders:

  • American Guinea Pig.

  • Abyssinian Guinea Pig.

  • Rex Guinea Pig.

  • English Crested Guinea Pig.

Guinea Pig Personalities

Just like their looks, each guinea pig has their own unique personality. Some may be super confident and want to run the entire household - including their fellow guinea pigs and human companions. Others may be a little shyer and more reserved and greatly enjoy spending some quiet one on one time with you.

When it comes to looking at buying or rehoming a guinea pig, it’s always a good idea to take a little time to observe and get to know them. You want to make sure any animal you bring home is going to fit into your home and lifestyle.

2. Affordable

As far as pets go, guinea pigs are one of the more affordable ones to own. There are many factors that contribute towards the cost of a guinea pig including buying the piggy itself, startup costs and consistent costs over time. 

Buying a Guinea Pig

There are multiple options to acquiring a guinea pig, or multiple guinea pigs. When investigating where to buy a guinea pig from, you may be tempted to go with the method of googling ‘guinea pigs near me’ and picking the closest option. While this may provide convenient options, they may not be the best price. While there’s a slight price difference depending on where you go, it’s a minor change that in the grand scheme of things will go largely unnoticed.

The go-to option for buying a guinea pig is finding a local pet shop. This is usually the cheapest option, yet a downside for this is that you can’t fully guarantee the health of the guinea pig. 

A slightly more expensive option is finding a private breeder of guinea pigs. This option is often more reliable as you can better understand the health of the animal and have access to their family history if wanted.

The third choice is rehoming a guinea pig from a shelter. This usually equals the same price as a private breeder, but you’ll often find a rescue will provide them with some basic toys or food as a ‘thank you’ present.

rehoming a guinea pig

Black and Ginger Texel Guinea Pig

Setting Up the Enclosure

Establishing the guinea pig cage is going to be the biggest cost in the process of introducing new furry friends to your home. There are many key factors to consider, all of which can influence how much you end up spending.

Guinea Pig Cage

When keeping guinea pigs, the first consideration is deciding where you are housing them - inside or outside. An outdoor piggy will have different requirements to an indoor piggy. An outdoor guinea pig will need a strong and secure enclosure made from materials resistant to harsh weather conditions, with a large run to ensure they can get enough exercise.

On the other hand, an indoor cage will need less investment in security for the cage, as they won't be exposed to predators and won't be at risk of damage from the weather.

Hutches and Enrichment

For both outdoor guinea pig cages and indoor cages, they will need plenty of hutches and toys for enrichment. Guinea pigs can scare easily, so it's absolutely crucial that they have a secluded area where they can hide until they feel safe again. 

Toys are vital for their physical and emotional health. Chewing on certain textures or materials is great at helping them keep their teeth nice and short, and playing with toys can keep their brain stimulated and prevent boredom or a build-up of stress. Over time, these will eventually have to be replaced but these are very low-cost items so this will barely be an inconvenience. There's also the option of making your own toys at home for your piggies.

Guinea Pig Food

The main cost over time will be their food. Guinea pigs have three main components in their meals: fresh veggies, hay, and fresh food in the form of pellets. Luckily, hay and pellets can be bought in bulk to reduce long-term costs, and depending on how many piggies you're feeding, a single bag can last several months.

Providing guinea pigs with their fresh vegetables every day can get a little pricey for some, as it's not as viable to bulk buy them and they require a large amount daily. While feeding time can get expensive, it's really worth it to form strong bonds with your new pet. Some piggies even like to be hand fed and pampered when you get to know them.

Guinea pigs make such good pets

Guinea pigs make amazing pets

3. Easy to Care For

Guinea pigs UK are super easy to care for, and don’t have any extravagant care needs. Just like with any rodent, they need daily feeding of veggies, pellets, and hay. They also need a fun enclosure set up with comfortable bedding, toys, and hutches to hide in and plenty of space to run around. 

Cleaning the Cage

One of the most demanding parts of their care is the necessary cleaning. Guinea pigs need to be spot cleaned at least once a day, and sometimes twice a day if you have a larger group. This may seem like a struggle at first, but once you settle into the routine this can take no more than 10-15 minutes. On top of daily spot cleaning, you should fully clean their enclosure at least once a week. This includes completely replacing their bedding and disinfecting all surfaces including food and water bottles.


When buying a guinea pig, it’s important to think about how much free time you have in your typical day. Guinea pigs require grooming from time to time, with the frequency depending on the breed’s fur type. Long haired breeds do require daily brushing, while shorter haired breeds need a quick brush every few days.

All guinea pigs will need their nails trimmed every two to three weeks to prevent them from becoming overgrown and potentially digging into their feet.

Guinea pigs are animals that have great pride in their own hygiene, and regularly clean themselves and each other. This means that they don’t require full bathing very often at all. Most guinea pigs need a full bath about every 3 months, or in situations where they have become excessively dirty. 

Just like with their cage cleaning, these tasks may take a little longer at first, but once you and your piggy are comfortable with the routine then you’ll be able to complete them in a flash!

4. They Make Wonderful Companions

Guinea pigs are incredibly social animals and love to spend time with their human and other guinea pig friends. They can form extremely strong bonds with their owners and will view you as their best friend if you spend enough time together. They may be shy at first, but as long as you’re willing to put in the effort to familiarise yourself with them and earn their trust, they’ll happily offer you all the possible affection in return. When rehoming a guinea pig, bonding may take a little more time but is still fully achievable.

Not only do they make perfect one-on-one friends, but they’re an ideal pet to have in a family home. Guinea pigs are rarely aggressive and only ever bite when overly stressed or scared, so can be an excellent pet to have around children as long as they utilise gentle hands and respect their space.

Guinea pigs UK make wonderful companions in a physical sense in the home too. Guinea pigs do need a lot of space to run around, but nowhere near as much as a dog or cat. Piggies are much more suitable for a wide range of home types, and can be easily kept in flats, full houses or outside if needed. They’re also not destructive if provided with adequate enrichment, so there’s no need to worry if you want to let them run around your home without you directly watching over them. This, and also the fact that they will most likely want to stay by your side anyway.

buying a guinea pig for kids

Happy Guinea Pig Companions Cuddling Up

5. Guinea Pigs Have Long Lives

In comparison to other rodents, guinea pigs have a much longer lifespan. Guinea pigs live for anywhere between 4-8 years, while most smaller rodents have a maximum average of three years. This long lifespan can make them a great option if you are wanting a smaller, adorable companion, but also are wanting to have an animal you can truly bond and dedicate yourself to.

I'm sure many piggy owners will agree eight years with their beloved friends isn't enough time. On the other hand, it can be a great choice for someone who may not be able to invest the next 10+ years in an animal. Dogs very frequently live over ten years, and cats have been known to live well into their twenties. For someone whose living situation may not be the most stable, or who simply doesn't want a life-long pet, buying a guinea pig may be the ideal choice over many other animals.

Abby bridges

A true animal lover at heart, Abby has spent most of her life working with animals in a casual and professional setting. She has developed a passion for all animals but has a soft spot for guinea pigs.


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