Healthcare, Bathing, Grooming Abby bridges Healthcare, Bathing, Grooming Abby bridges

Can Guinea Pigs Get Ringworm?

Not every fungal infection will present in the same way, but the most common traits of fungal infections in guinea pigs are skin lesions and hair loss. These symptoms usually present on the head area first before progressing to the rest of the body. There would typically be crusting and scabbing around these areas too.

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Healthcare, Guinea Pig Shampoo, Bathing Abby bridges Healthcare, Guinea Pig Shampoo, Bathing Abby bridges

How Do You Wash a Guinea Pig?

Guinea pigs are not huge fans of water, so it’s important to make sure your guinea pig feels comfortable at all times. Keep some tasty treats at hand for the process. Before starting, it’s good to have these tools to hand:

• Large washing up bowl, preferably two

• Shampoo, or shampoo alternative

• A comb

• A plastic jug or other suitable item

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