Healthcare, Guinea Pig Nails, Snacks & Treats Victoria Lyons Healthcare, Guinea Pig Nails, Snacks & Treats Victoria Lyons

The Importance of Guinea Pig Dental Care

Guinea pigs have constantly growing teeth that need to be kept in check. If left unattended, their teeth can overgrow, causing pain, discomfort, and even preventing them from eating properly. This can lead to serious health problems, including malnutrition and weight loss. Regular dental care is therefore essential to keep your pet healthy and happy.

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Healthcare, Housing, Guinea Pig Pee & poop, Cleaning Abby bridges Healthcare, Housing, Guinea Pig Pee & poop, Cleaning Abby bridges

Why Do Guinea Pigs Eat Poo?

Guinea pigs will produce 100 poops a day on average, with the number reducing gradually as they age. However, it’s hard to count exactly how much poop guinea pigs will eat in a day since they only eat a certain type of poop.

The type of poop your guinea pig will eat is called caecotrophs. This type of poop is the first poop they take after a meal and they will eat it almost immediately before our eyes.

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Healthcare, Drink & Hydration Abby bridges Healthcare, Drink & Hydration Abby bridges

What Are the Signs of Dehydration in Guinea Pigs?

There are many indicators that your guinea pig may be dehydrated. The signs are quite similar to those in humans when we get dehydrated. The easiest way to see is to have a look at their poop. Guinea pigs’ poop should be firm but moist, but in a dehydrated piggy, their poops will be much drier and harder. If you can’t tell just by looking, then you may need to stick on some gloves and have a quick feel to see if it’s dehydrated poop.

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Behaviour, Diet, Housing, Healthcare, Cages Joy Mellows Behaviour, Diet, Housing, Healthcare, Cages Joy Mellows

Can Guinea Pigs Live with Rabbits?

Guinea pigs and rabbits aren’t natural buddies. They are both sociable, but each prefers living with their own kind. It was common for pet owners to keep guinea pigs and rabbits together due to the belief that neutering rabbits was an unsafe practice. However, this procedure is now extremely safe and routine. So there is no reason rabbits can’t be kept together, instead of with guinea pigs. It is also best to keep guinea pigs with same-sex cavy friends, as they will get along well and reduce stress.

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Are Guinea Pigs Good Pets for Children?

Any type of animal is huge amount of responsibility, especially for a child. Guinea pigs are great animals and make wonderful companions. They may offer ample opportunities to teach children about responsibility and care.

It’s also crucial to consider the fact that children, especially younger children, aren’t capable enough to be in charge the guinea pig care. UK law states that no one under the age of 16 can be responsible for the care of an animal, their day-to-day husbandry will fall onto the parent or any adults in the home.

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Healthcare, Bathing, Grooming Abby bridges Healthcare, Bathing, Grooming Abby bridges

Can Guinea Pigs Get Ringworm?

Not every fungal infection will present in the same way, but the most common traits of fungal infections in guinea pigs are skin lesions and hair loss. These symptoms usually present on the head area first before progressing to the rest of the body. There would typically be crusting and scabbing around these areas too.

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Healthcare, Guinea Pig Shampoo, Bathing Abby bridges Healthcare, Guinea Pig Shampoo, Bathing Abby bridges

How Do You Wash a Guinea Pig?

Guinea pigs are not huge fans of water, so it’s important to make sure your guinea pig feels comfortable at all times. Keep some tasty treats at hand for the process. Before starting, it’s good to have these tools to hand:

• Large washing up bowl, preferably two

• Shampoo, or shampoo alternative

• A comb

• A plastic jug or other suitable item

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Healthcare, Guinea Pig Nails Abby bridges Healthcare, Guinea Pig Nails Abby bridges

How to Trim Guinea Pig Nails

The process of cutting a guinea pig’s nails is fairly straightforward. It should be done every two to four weeks to prevent any discomfort or pain to the foot. First, you’ll need some simple tools:

• Small animal clippers or human nail clippers

• Styptic powder

• A towel or cloth

• A torch

• Fresh veggies or treats

The best way to trim their nails is to hold the guinea pig against your stomach with their legs facing forward. Ideally, you should start trimming the front nails so they can better see what you’re doing.

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